Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Union: The Business Behind Getting High

This is one of the best marijuana documentaries I've ever seen, very unbiased, right to the facts, no bull. See it here.

How to alienate cannabis supporters FAST.

This youtube video, recently posted on NORML's blog, is a music video commentary on coffee and weed. Although it's kind of funny, it is the kind of funny only a "pothead" would get. I myself hate using the term pothead, but that's all the video was telling me visually. Some of it was exaggerated for comedic purposes, which was kind of the point to the video. Over all though, there are tons of videos out there like this, which only further ingrain the typical "pothead" stereotype and thus alienate non-smokers or cannabis users from the message, if there is one at all. I highly respect NORML and it's supporters which come from many different backgrounds, many of them however don't associate with this stereotype. And if NORML and pro-reform supporters want to actually move forward on cannabis legalization, they are going to have to make their culture more relatable and inclusive. So I say if such pro-cannabis videos and media are made, throw in some business people, women, scholars, old people, politicians, athletes, blue-collar workers, and basically every personality that is not normally associated with cannabis culture. America needs to see that marijuana is acceptable for all people, no matter their culture or background. But on a lighter note, that giant joint was pretty funny.